Wednesday 21 September 2011

First night in Alsace

Just got back in from a lovely evening in Riquewihr, Alsace. Absolutely gorgeous place with lovely locals but apparenty everything seems to shut at 21.30?! Gorgeous medieval town though. Nothing seems to be newer than about 1700 - not complaining as the architecture is totally beautiful. More to the 'student' point though - the 'local' aperitif is a Cremant Alsace with a violette casis! Sounds slightly strange but I suppose it is just their local take on a kir. Tastes amazing though and is a beautiful violette colour (no surprises there). So, after about two aperitifs we headed to a lovely restaurant to try out the Alsace speciality 'flambee' which lived up to it's reputation of being totally delicious. Two and a half carafs later... We naturally decided it would be a great idea to try the local 'digestif' - as if the local 'aperitifs' AND Riesling weren't enough.. All I need to say is that if I had had another 'framboise schnapps' it would most definitely have contributed to my downfall.. And a 7am start tomorrow to take me to Verona definitely would not be taking place..!

Journey Down!

Just arrived in the beautiful Alsace, about ten miles away from the German boarder in a small town called Riquewihr (no idea how on earth you pronounce that!) The air is literally saturated with the smell of vines so will probably get drunk just walking to a restaurant tonight - start as you mean to go on. Have driving through four countries today (get me - what a jetsetter) - UK (obvs), France, Belgium, Luxembourg and, of course, France again. Absolutely stunning place and tomorrow is going to get even better - driving through the Swiss and Italian alps isn't exactely your average day at uni! Will hopefully load some photos up of this town tonight (if the dodgy free wifi in this hotel permits! Medieval walls evidently weren't made to be kind to modern wifi systems..!) Bon soir! :)